In Bangladesh and elsewhere, social safety nets help to reduce household poverty and food insecurity, but yield few improvements in child nutrition.
In 2012-14, IFPRI partnered with the UN World Food Programme on a two-year study to determine which form of safety net transfer–cash or food–works best for the ultra poor in rural Bangladesh and whether impacts of these transfers change when linked to nutrition behavior change communication (BCC). Results from TMRI have provided the proof of concept that combining social safety net transfers with nutrition BCC can significantly improve household food security and child nutrition.
For more information, please contact the Principal Investigator Akhter Ahmed.
TMRI: Project Detail
STATUS: Completed
DURATION: 2012-2014
FUNDING: German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); UK’s Department for International Development (DFID); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
PARTNER(S): UN World Food Programme (WFP); Data Analysis and Technical Assistance (DATA)
IFPRI Bangladesh Projects
IFPRI has over four decades of experience conducting research and outreach in Bangladesh. IFPRI has undertaken rigorous evaluations using randomized controlled trials of several programs in Bangladesh, including Alive & Thrive, IFPRI-WFP’s Transfer Modality Research Initiative (TMRI), and the IFPRI-designed and Ministry-led Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) project. IFPRI has also designed and conducted large-scale household surveys like the Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey and has proven capacity to administer rapid yet rigorous phone surveys amid the pandemic.
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of 100

Journal Article
Evolution of intimate partner violence impacts from cash transfers, food transfers, and behaviour change communication: Mixed-method experimental evidence from a nine-year post-programme follow-up in Bangladesh
2025Lokot, Michelle; Sultana, Nasrin; Hidrobo, Melissa; Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John; Rakshit, Deboleena; Roy, Shalini; Ranganathan, Meghna

Working Paper
Under the gun: Military and paramilitary actors in Sudan’s agri-food system
2025Resnick, Danielle; Abushama, Hala; Ahmed, Mosab; Kirui, Oliver K.; Siddig, Khalid

Conditional contracts in indirect local procurement of maize from smallholder farmers in Uganda: A study design to assess impacts
2025Raghunathan, Kalyani; Abate, Gashaw T.; Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Nabwire, Leocardia; Mukangabo, Emerence; Mugabo, Serge; Benin, Samuel

Working Paper
The state of food insecurity measurement: A mix of methods, and a mix of messages
2024Headey, Derek D.

Working Paper
Can role models and skills training increase women’s voice in asset selection? Experimental evidence from Odisha, India
2024Kosec, Katrina; Kyle, Jordan; Narayanan, Sudha; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Ray, Soumyajit

Working Paper
The effects of conflict-induced migration on food security and health related outcomes in Sudan: From displacement to despair
2024Abushama, Hala; Kirui, Oliver K.; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum; Siddig, Khalid; Mohamed, Shima A. H.

Working Paper
Do empowerment impacts endure? The medium-term impacts of the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) Project in Bangladesh
2024Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John; Rakshit, Deboleena

Social assistance and adaptation to flooding in Bangladesh
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John; Mueller, Valerie; Quabili, Wahid; Rakshit, Deboleena; Roy, Shalini; Thiede, Brian

Working Paper
Income, employment, transfers, and household welfare dynamics before and during the conflict in Sudan
2024Ahmed, Mosab; Kirui, Oliver K.; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum; Raouf, Mariam; Abushama, Hala; Siddig, Khalid

Working Paper
Program pathways for sustainable, nutrition sensitive school meals: An updated framework
2024Gelli, Aulo; Bliznashka, Lilia

Working Paper
Would you rather? Household choice between cash transfers or an economic inclusion program
2024Allen IV, James; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Yassa, Basma

Opinion Piece
How programme design and local context shape the lasting effects of cash and food transfers
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John; Kolt, Bastien; Roy, Shalini; Tauseef, Salauddin

Drivers of agrifood system transformation in Odisha
2024Mishra, Sarba Narayan; Mishra, Subhrajyoti; Ajmani, Manmeet Singh; Ashok, K.R.; Behura, Debdutt; Das, Manoj Kumar

Working Paper
How can anticipatory action programming support women? Application of the reach-benefit-empower-transform framework in Nepal and Nigeria
2024Gonzales, Teresa; Kosec, Katrina; Kyle, Jordan; Madero, Ana; Mittrick, Caitlin; Myers, Emily; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Rapadas, Amica

Journal Article
Can transfers and complementary nutrition programming reduce intimate partner violence four years post-program? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
2024Roy, Shalini; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John F.; Koch, Bastien; Ahmed, Akhter

Working Paper
How have foreign exchange market distortions and conflict affected agricultural production incentives in Myanmar?
2024Myanmar Agrifood Program for Strategy and Analysis

Book Chapter
Dietary quality and nutrition: Past progress, current and future challenges
2024Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek D.; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Tauseef, Salauddin

Book Chapter
Agricultural mechanization: Drivers and characteristics
2024Belton, Ben; Win, Myat Thida; Zhang, Xiaobo; Filipski, Mateusz; Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Masias, Ian

2024 annual trends and outlook report: Advancing the climate and bioeconomy agenda in Africa for resilient and sustainable agrifood systems
2024Tadesse, Getaw; Glatzel, Katrin; Savadogo, Moumini

Book Chapter
Innovative financing mechanisms for climate adaptation in African agrifood systems
2024D’Alessandro, Cecilia; Adeniyi, Daniel; Araba, Lade

Working Paper
Does nutrition-sensitive social protection build longer-term resilience? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Hoddinott, John; Roy, Shalini

Food security and nutrition in Bangladesh: Evidence-based strategies for advancement
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Mahzab, Moogdho M.

Working Paper
Cooperation among community leaders: The role of women’s leadership and exposure to conflict
2024Nigus, Halefom Yigzaw; Abay, Kibrom A.

Working Paper
Unlocking locally-led resilience amid conflict and climate stress: Views from community leaders in Mali on development priorities, aid distribution, and anticipatory action
2024Bleck, Jaimie; Carrillo, Lucia; Gottlieb, Jessica; Kosec, Katrina; Kyle, Jordan; Soumano, Moumouni

Working Paper
To defer or differ: Experimental evidence on the role of cash transfers on Nigerian couples’ decision-making
2024Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Fafchamps, Marcel; Goldstein, Markus; Leonard, Kenneth L.; Papineni, Sreelakshmi

South Asia Nutrition Knowledge Initiative: Abstract digest August 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute

Working Paper
Effectiveness of current and alternative procurement modalities: An evaluation of the effectiveness of current and potential alternative grain procurement modalities, and development of a framework for stock turnover
2024Rashid, Shahidur; Mustafa, Shoumi; Kabir, Razin Iqbal; Shaima, Nabila Afrin

Working Paper
The effectiveness of cash and cash plus interventions on livelihoods outcomes: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
2024Leight, Jessica; Hirvonen, Kalle; Zafar, Sarim

South Asia Nutrition Knowledge Initiative: Abstract digest June 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute

Internal Document
2023 IFPRI audited financial statements
2024International Food Policy Research Institute

Working Paper
Social protection and gender: policy, practice and research
2024Hidrobo, Melissa; Peterman, Amber; Kumar, Neha; Lambon-Quayefio, Monica; Roy, Shalini; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Paz, Flor

IFPRI's country programs: Facilitating country-led food systems transformation
2024International Food Policy Research Institute

Book Chapter
Regional developments [in 2024 Global Food Policy Report]
Pechtl, Sarah; Kishore, Avinash; Nguyen, Phuong; Chen, Kevin Z.; Harris, Jody; Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Piñeiro, Valeria

Book Chapter
Improved governance: Creating supportive environments for diet and nutrition policies
2024Resnick, Danielle; Nogales, Maria-Teresa

Book Chapter
Demand-side approaches: Supporting healthier food choices
2024Kim, Sunny S.; Koyratty, Nadia; Blake, Christine E.; Kumar, Neha

Working Paper
Measuring women's empowerment in national surveys: Development of the Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS)
Cheong, Yuk Fai; Yount, Kathryn M.; Hassan, Md. Zahidul; Hassan, Md. Imrul; Sharma, Sudhindra; Pokhrel, Pankaj; Sagastume, Mónica Dardón; Kanyanda, Shelton S. E.; Vundru, Wilbert D.; Moylan, Heather

Journal Article
Food transfers, cash transfers, behavior change communication and child nutrition: Evidence from Bangladesh
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John F.; Roy, Shalini

Working Paper
Review of global agricultural emission databases
2024Pablo, Elverdin; Said, Andrés D.

Working Paper
Institutional challenges to the implementation of nationally determined contributions in Latin America and Caribbean countries: Institutional architecture requirements, issues arising from the examination of NDC updates and lessons learned from capacity development interventions
2024Echebarria, Koldo

Working Paper
The enabling environment for large-scale food fortification in Madagascar
2024Resnick, Danielle

2023 IFPRI annual report
2024International Food Policy Research Institute

Working Paper
Agricultural mechanization policy options in Rwanda
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Benimana, Gilberthe Uwera; Spielman, David J.; Warner, James

Journal Article
Using climate financing wisely to address multiple crises
2024Läderach, Peter; Desai, Bina; Pacillo, Grazia; Roy, Shalini; Kosec, Katrina; Ruckstuhl, Sandra; Loboguerrero, Ana Maria

Working Paper
From promises to action: Analyzing global commitments on food security and diets since 2015
2024Zorbas, Christina; Resnick, Danielle; Jones, Eleanor; Suri, Shoba; Iruhiriye, Elyse; Headey, Derek D.; Martin, Will; Vos, Rob; Arndt, Channing; Menon, Purnima

Working Paper
Double-booked: Effects of overlap between school and farming calendars on education and child labor
2024Allen IV, James

Working Paper
Stakeholder mapping for climate change action in Tajikistan
2024Babu, Suresh Chandra; Tohirzoda, Sino; Srivastava, Nandita

Journal Article
Transfers, nutrition programming, and economic well-being: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh
2024Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John; Roy, Shalini; Sraboni, Esha

Working Paper
A conceptual framework of living labs for people for sustainable food systems
Zhou, Yunyi; Chen, Kevin Z.; Pham, Thuy Thu; Rodríguez, Luz Ángela; Venegas, Martha

Working Paper
Lump-sum transfers for agriculture, support services, and household decision making
2023Ambler, Kate; Brauw, Alan de; Godlonton, Susan

Working Paper
Understanding intra-household food allocation rules: Evidence from a randomized social safety net intervention in Bangladesh
2023Coleman, Fiona M.; Ahmed, Akhter; Roy, Shalini; Hoddinott, John

Working Paper
Nutrition-sensitive food distribution amidst inflationary shock: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Egypt
2023Abay, Kibrom A.; Abdelfattah, Lina Alaaeldin; Elkaramany, Mohamed; Elsabbagh, Dalia; Kurdi, Sikandra

Working Paper
Impact evaluation report of Egypt’s Forsa Graduation Program
2023Allen IV, James; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Shokry, Nada; Yassa, Basma

Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the Provincial Consultation Workshop on Food and Agriculture System Transformation in Nepal
2023Pradhan, Mamata; Palikhe, Aruna; Maharajan, Nanda; Adhikari, Madan; Pandey, Meena; Gupta, Shalini; Mohan, Anisha

Book Chapter
Gender and food systems: Avenues for transformation?
2023Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Heckert, Jessica; Malapit, Hazel J.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Seymour, Greg; Faas, Simone; Myers, Emily

Working Paper
Can a light-touch graduation model enhance livelihood outcomes? Evidence from Ethiopia
2023Leight, Jessica; Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Mulford, Michael

Book Chapter
The political economy of reforming agricultural support policies
2023Vos, Rob; Martin, Will; Resnick, Danielle

Book Chapter
Introduction: Political economy of food system transformation
2023Resnick, Danielle; Swinnen, Johan

The political economy of food system transformation: Pathways to progress in a polarized world
2023Resnick, Danielle; Swinnen, Johan

Working Paper
Political and economic drivers of Sudan's armed conflict: Implications for the agri-food system
2023Abushama, Hala; Resnick, Danielle; Siddig, Khalid; Kirui, Oliver K.

Addressing irregular migration through principled programmatic approaches: Examining the West Africa route and WFP operations
2023Ambler, Kate; de Brauw, Alan; Maruyama, Eduardo; Moussavi, Sara

Seven principles for mobilizing open data to power India's Agri Stack
2023Mothkoor, Venugopal; Reddy, Murali; Koganti, Dharani Kanth

Working Paper
Bangladeshi women’s experiences and vulnerabilities in Jordan’s garment sector
2023Nassif, Gabriella; Bhuiyan, Muhammad Mahbubul; Zahir, Md; Abdulrahim, Sawsan; Ringler, Claudia

Working Paper
Agricultural extension in times of crisis and emergent threats: Effectiveness of a fall armyworm information intervention in Myanmar
2023Goeb, Joseph; Maredia, Mywish K.; Herrington, Caitlin; Zu, A Myint

Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the National Consultation Workshop on Food and Agriculture System Transformation in Nepal
2023Onta, Karuna; Pradhan, Mamata; Palikhe, Aruna; Maharjan, Nada; Mohan, Anisha

Book Chapter
Social protection: Adaptive safety nets for crisis recovery
2023Hirvonen, Kalle

Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses
2023International Food Policy Research Institute

Working Paper
Is irrigation fit for purpose? A review of the relationships between scheme size and performance of irrigation systems
2023McCarthy, Nancy; Ringler, Claudia; Agbonlahor, Mure Uhunamure; Pandya, A. B.; Iyob, Biniam; Pérez, Nicostrato D.

Working Paper
Food prices and the wages of the poor: A low-cost, high-value approach to high-frequency food security monitoring
2023Headey, Derek D.; Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Marshall, Quinn; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Mahrt, Kristi

Working Paper
Impact evaluation of the SHARPE Programme in Ethiopia: Academic report
2023de Brauw, Alan; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Leavens, Laura; Moges, Fekadu; Roy, Shalini; Tefera, Mulugeta

Working Paper
Mitigating poverty and undernutrition through social protection: A simulation analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh and Myanmar
2023Ecker, Olivier; Alderman, Harold; Comstock, Andrew R.; Headey, Derek D.; Mahrt, Kristi; Pradesha, Angga

Working Paper
Dietary quality and nutrition in Myanmar: Past progress, current and future challenges
2023Mahrt, Kristi; Headey, Derek D.; Ecker, Olivier; Comstock, Andrew R.; Tauseef, Salauddin

Take-home rations in the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS): Study of coverage and uptake in Tamil Nadu
2023Nair, Sapna; Ashok, Sattvika; Menon, Purnima; Avula, Rasmi

Journal Article
Diets of men and women in rural Bangladesh are equitable but suboptimal
2023Coleman, Fiona M.; Ahmed, Akhter; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Roy, Shalini; Hoddinott, John

Scoping Study on Ethiopian Sesame Value Chain
2022Kassie, Girma T.; Worku, Yonas; Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Asnake, Woinishet; Abate, Gashaw T.

Working Paper
The political economy of reforming agricultural support policies
2022Vos, Rob; Martin, Will; Resnick, Danielle

Innovations and policy design for development for cross-value chain services (logistics and financial services)
2022Balana, Bedru; Olanrewaju, Opeyemi; Ambler, Kate; Brauw, Alan de; Bloem, Jeffrey R.; Kadjo, Didier; Wossen, Tesfamichael; Liverpool-Tasie, Saweda Lenis Onipede; Abdoulaye, Tahirou

Working Paper
Impact evaluation report: Egypt’s Forsa graduation program
2022Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Tabe-Ojong, Martin Paul; Yassa, Basma

Working Paper
Does relative deprivation condition the effects of social protection programs on political support? Experimental evidence from Pakistan
2022Kosec, Katrina; Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung

RNR STRATEGY 2040: Bhutan-IFPRI collaboration and beyond
2022Pal, Barun Deb; Gurung, Tayan Raj; Pathak, Himanshu

Working Paper
Revisiting poverty trends and the role of social protection systems in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022Abay, Kibrom A.; Yonzan, Nishant; Kurdi, Sikandra; Tafere, Kibrom

Working Paper
Can agricultural development projects empower women? A synthesis of mixed methods evaluations using pro-WEAI in the gender, agriculture, and assets project (phase 2) portfolio
Myers, Emily; GAAP2 for pro-WEAI Study Team; Dione, Malick; Martinez, Elena M.; Pereira, Audrey; Van Biljon, Chloe; Vaz, Ana; Elias, Marlène; Annet Mulema; Go, Ara; Argento, Federica; Ahmed, Akhter; Hannan, Anika; Younus, Masuma; de Brauw, Alan; Dey, Amita; Kramer, Berber; Murphy, Mike; Benjamin Crookston, Megan Gash; Gray, Bobbi; Benali, Marwan; Schreinemachers, Pepijn; Sobgui, Caroline; Janzen, Sarah; Joshi, Neena; Magnan, Nicholas; Pradhan, Rajendra; Sudhindra Sharma; Theis, Sophie; Bellemare, Marc; Casier, Bart; James, Susan; Krause, Brooke; Mathias Lardinois; McCarthy, Aine; Sabine Gabrysch; Sinharoy, Sheela; Waid, Jillian; Wendt, Amanda; Awonon, Josué; Ganaba, Rasmané; Gelli, Aulo; Martinez, Elena M.; Pedehombga, Abdoulaye; Sanou, Armande; Zougouri, Sita; Alonso, Silvia; Galiè, Alessandra; Tasokwa Kakota; Leroy, Jef L.; Palloni, Giordano; Bryan, Elizabeth; Mekonnen, Dawit Kelemework; Mamun Miah; Kumar, Neha; Siraj, Saiqa; Alemu, Mihret; Boonabaana; Brenda; Ana Paula de la Ocampo; Kaaria, Susan; Hillesland, Marya; Erdgin Mane; Slavchevska, Vanya; Choudhury, Avijit; Madhu Khetan; Raghunathan, Kalyani

Working Paper
Targeting hunger or votes? The political economy of humanitarian transfers in Malawi
2022Duchoslav, Jan; Kenamu, Edwin; Thunde, Jack

Working Paper
Revisiting poverty trends and the role of social protection systems in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic: Working Paper
2022Abay, Kibrom A.; Yonzan, Nishant; Kurdi, Sikandra; Tafere, Kibrom

Working Paper
Does the UN Joint Program for Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE) deliver on its empowerment objectives?
2022Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Gerli, Beatrice; Faas, Simone; Heckert, Jessica; Malapit, Hazel J.; McCarron, Catherine; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Paz, Florencia

Internal Document
2021 IFPRI audited financial statements
2022International Food Policy Research Institute

Cash transfers and intimate partner violence: A research view on design and implementation for risk mitigation and prevention
2022Peterman, Amber; Roy, Shalini

Annual Report
Annual report 2021: CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets
2022CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Book Chapter
Climate finance: Funding sustainable food systems transformation
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Echeverria, Ruben G.

Book Chapter
Social protection: Designing adaptive systems to build resilience to climate change
2022Gilligan, Daniel O.; Devereux, Stephen; Tenzing, Janna

Forsa pilot program and evaluation plan
2022El Shabrawy, Atef; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Kurdi, Sikandra; Palloni, Giordano; Yassa, Basma

Working Paper
Impact of a gender and nutrition behavioral change communication amid the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone
2022Myanmar Agriculture Policy Support Activity

Working Paper
Increasing production diversity and diet quality through agriculture, gender, and nutrition linkages: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh
2022Ahmed, Akhter; Coleman, Fiona M.; Ghostlaw, Julie; Hoddinott, John F.; Menon, Purnima; Parvin, Aklima; Pereira, Audrey; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Roy, Shalini; Younus, Masuma

Open for business: Pathways to strengthen CGIAR's responsible private sector engagement
2022Cummings, Sarah; Koerner, Jana; Schut, Marc; Lubberink, Rob; Thai Minh; Spielman, David J.; Vos, Janny

Book Chapter
How India’s agrifood supply chains fared during the COVID-19 lockdown, from farm to fork
2022Narayanan, Sudha

Book Chapter
A major food transfer program in Bangladesh fell short during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022Bin Khaled, Muhammad Nahian; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Rashid, Shahidur; Dearlove, Honor; Chowdhury, Shyamal

Book Chapter
Waves of disease, waves of poverty: New evidence on the economic impacts of COVID-19 and political instability in Myanmar
2022Headey, Derek D.; Cho, Ame; Mahrt, Kristi; Diao, Xinshen; Lambrecht, Isabel B.

Working Paper
Haiti and its multiple tragedies: Much more needs to be done
2022Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio

Working Paper
Returns to R&D investment to inform priority setting in the One CGIAR and NARS
2022Nin-Pratt, Alejandro

Journal Article
The role of poultry transfers in diet diversity: A cluster randomized intent to treat analysis
2022Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Leight, Jessica; Mulford, M.; Tambet, H.

Proposed indicators for selecting needy participants for the Vulnerable Women's Benefit (VWB) Program in urban Bangladesh
2022Ahmed, Akhter; Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab; Quabili, Wahid; Parvin, Aklima; Ghostlaw, Julie
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of 100

Publication – Food Transfers, Cash Transfers, Behavior Change Communication and Child Nutrition: Evidence from Bangladesh

New Publication – Transfers, nutrition programming, and economic well-being: Experimental evidence from Bangladesh

Publication – Diets of Men and Women in Rural Bangladesh Are Equitable but Suboptimal

Blog – Cash transfers with behavior change communication reduce intimate partner violence even 4 years after interventions end