Safety nets can be very effective at improving food security and reducing poverty, but have had limited or mixed effects on improving nutrition. This begs the question: is there something other than resources that's needed to improve child nutrition, particularly to accelerate reductions in child stunting? IFPRI designed and WFP implemented the Transfer Modality Research […]
Bt Brinjal Impact Assessment: Field Visit
IFPRI researchers observe field-level activities for the Bt brinjal impact assessment. Learn more.
International Women’s Day 2017: Evidence from Bangladesh
This International Women's Day, IFPRI takes a deep dive into drivers of women's disempowerment in Bangladesh - and how we are designing and evaluating programs that are going against the grain.
ANGeL Project Dispatches Gender Trainers
Gender trainings will help researchers learn how to empower women in Bangladesh.
Big Data, Big Impact: BIHS Round 2 Results
The Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey second-round results show improvements in poverty, nutrition, and women’s empowerment.