Brinjal is a high-value crop that is widely grown and consumed throughout the country. However, it is highly susceptible to the fruit and shoot borer pest. To fight this pest, farmers spray their crops heavily with toxic pesticides, which can have harmful effects on the health of farmers, their families, the consumers of the fruit, and the environment. Agricultural biotechnologies, such as Bt brinjal, have the potential to address this issue.
To this end, IFPRI's Policy Research and Strategy Support Program (PRSSP) designed a study, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, to assess the impacts of genetically modified brinjal in Bangladesh. The study was conducted from 2017-2018 in four districts in northwest Bangladesh.
For more information, please contact the Principal Investigator Akhter Ahmed.
BT Brinjal: Project Detail
STATUS: Completed
DURATION: 2017-2018
FUNDING: United States Agency for International Development (USAID); Bangladesh Ministry of Agriculture
PARTNER(S): Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE); Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI); Cornell University; Data Analysis and Technical Assistance (DATA)
IFPRI Bangladesh Projects
IFPRI has over four decades of experience conducting research and outreach in Bangladesh. IFPRI has undertaken rigorous evaluations using randomized controlled trials of several programs in Bangladesh, including Alive & Thrive, IFPRI-WFP’s Transfer Modality Research Initiative (TMRI), and the IFPRI-designed and Ministry-led Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) project. IFPRI has also designed and conducted large-scale household surveys like the Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey and has proven capacity to administer rapid yet rigorous phone surveys amid the pandemic.

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BLOG: Impact Study Demonstrates Bt Brinjal Helps Farmers Earn More With Less Pesticide

Merit of Bt Brinjal Technology

Discussion Paper: Impacts of Bt Brinjal (Eggplant) in Bangladesh