Compact2025 is a global initiative for ending hunger and undernutrition by 2025. It brings stakeholders together to set priorities, innovate and learn, fine-tune actions, build on successes, and synthesize sharable lessons to accelerate progress. Bangladesh has been selected as a Compact2025 focus country based on its commitment to rapidly ending hunger and undernutrition, and its remarkable progress in achieving these objectives over the past few decades.
Success in ending hunger and undernutrition depends on country-owned and country-led strategies and investments. Compact2025 is a tool for countries that wish to achieve this goal by 2025. It helps them bring together the many sectors involved in food security and nutrition, build their own capacity, craft strategies, experiment with programs and policies, and make rapid progress.
In early October, IFPRI organized a Compact2025 Roundtable Discussion in Dhaka, which attracted high-level representation from the Bangladesh Government, including the Prime Minister's Office, and development partners such as USAID, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), and BRAC.
For more information on Compact2025, please visit the official website: